Dana Pembangunan Masjid

Bantu kami perbaiki kemudahan masjid!

Dana ini akan disalurkan kepada sebarang pembangunan, renovasi dan pembaikan yang diperlukan masjid dari masa ke masa.

Ayuh bantu kami jadikan Masjid Al-Khair rumah ibadah yang selesa dan elok untuk semua Muslimin dan Muslimat.


Help us improve our mosque facilities!

This funding will cater to any improvements, renovations, repairs, and maintenance required for the mosque.

Help us keep the mosque in a comfortable go-to place of worship for all Muslim brothers and sisters.

GIRO Donation

A comfortable Mosque – For You, Me, Everyone 💜

Build a legacy by contributing via GIRO – from as low as $1.
Your contributions will be used for mosque utility bills such as electricity, water, trash disposal and telecommunication.

The GIRO form is available at our mosque counter during office hours.

Join us in keeping our mosque comfortable for everyone.

Perkhidmatan Ke Rumah untuk GIRO

Sukar untuk turun ke masjid tapi ingin membuat sumbangan GIRO? Kami akan menyediakan khidmat penghantaran borang ke rumah anda secara PERCUMA!

Tetapkan temu janji anda, hubungi kami di 91178481.

Doorstep Service for GIRO

Having difficulties coming to the mosque but still want to contribute via GIRO? we are providing this doorstep service for FREE!

Book your appointment now via 91178481.

The Operations Department aims to provide a safe and comfortable
experience for the congregants. The department covers a list of areas of operations as

  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Security
  • Fire Safety
  • Logistics
  • Cleaning
  • Building Maintenance
  • Building Upgrading
  • Audio Visual
  • Landscape


Muhammad Fikri Bin Saharuddin
Assistant Head, Operations

Riduan Bin Sadi
Maintenance Officer

Majed Bin Adan
Operations Support Officer

Contact Information

For any enquiries, please contact us at:
Email: info@alkhair.mosque.org.sg
Tel: 6760 1139