Al-Khair English Madrasah (EMAK)

 Al-Khair English Madrasah (EMAK) was set up as a unit of Masjid Al-Khair in January 2006 to provide Islamic Education to the English-Speaking Muslim community in the North West of Singapore. They represent a multi-racial community consisting of Indians, Chinese, Europeans and Malays. With this mix of students from diverse students in mind, all classes are guaranteed to be fully conducted in English.

Our Vision: Towards an institution of excellence in Islamic learning for English-speaking Muslims, Insha Allah.

Our Mission: To develop a team of effective, committed educators and establish a strong partnership with parents to nurture young Muslims living in Singapore to appreciate and practise Islam with conviction and confidence, Insha Allah.

With an initial enrolment of 160 students in 2006, Al-Khair English Madrasah has expanded to over 600 students in 2019.

EMAK is overseen by an executive committee with 23 members and  advisors from the Board of Masjid Al-Khair. 

Programme Details

From 2024 onwards, EMAK will be adopting IQRA’ WISE curriculum which aims to fulfil the needs of the weekend and home schools. This program integrates 5 subjects including Aqidah, Fiqh, Akhlaq, the Prophets , and Sirah. One most pivotal point of IQRA’ WISE is that it integrates character development for today’s Muslim youth, Insha Allah.

Our curriculum also includes Qur’anic Literacy which aims to equip students with the relevant skills (recognition of Arabic letters, Tajweed) to recite the Qur’an. 

Not forgetting Solat, our practical guide to Solat in the curriculum aims to make Solat an essential part of the child’s daily routine.

Team/Asatizah Information

Each class is led by a main teacher and a teacher assistant with about 1:15 teacher to child ratio.

The lessons are conducted by ARS certified main teachers while the teacher assistant manages the administration and logistics for the class.

Tenure of our experienced teachers ranges between 5 – 15 years.

Registration Details

To register under EMAK, please click here.

For more information on class timings and fees details, please click here.

Contact Information

To contact us, please send an email to call Brother Zahir @ +65 9004 3171 or Brother Hakim @ 90216181.